Mazda 323
- Introduction About this Management Mazda-323 brand cars — the introduction Identification numbers of the car Acquisition of spare parts Technology of service, tools and workplace equipment Engine start from an auxiliary source Poddomkrachivaniye and towage Automobile himikaliya, oils and greasings Diagnostics of malfunctions Routine maintenance - Works on maintenance Oil replacement Replacement of the oil filter Replacement of the perepuskny oil filter Visual check on leakage of oil Check of level of engine oil Check of level of cooling liquid Replacement of cooling liquid Visual check of tightness of system of cooling Frost resistance check Adjustment of gaps of valves Pulling up of bolts of a head of cylinders Pulling up of bolts of inlet and final collectors Check of the sensor of provision of a butterfly valve Check of the moment of ignition Replacement of candles ignition/check of electric contacts Replacement of an element of the air filter Plums of a sediment of the fuel filter diesel engine/replacement of the fuel filter Check maple belt/tension/replacement of a gear belt Visual check of system of production of the fulfilled gases + Box transfers/drive of wheels + brakes/tyres/wheels + Steering management/drive of forward wheels + car Electric equipment + Body / internal equipment + Petrol engines + System of greasing of the engine + System of cooling of the engine + ignition System + Power supply system, carburetor, system of injection of fuel + Diesel engine + System of production of the fulfilled gases + Coupling + Manual transmission + Automatic transmission + Suspension bracket and steering system + Brake system + Wheels and tires, body, car coloring, care of the car + electric equipment System + Heater, lighting system, devices + Governing bodies and operation receptions + Electric circuits
Visual check on leakage of oil
At the engine covered with oil and a high consumption of oil it is necessary to check, where oil acts. For this purpose to check the following places:
To open a cover of a jellied mouth and to check laying on existence of damages and cracks.
To check durability of landing of a ventilating hose from a cover of a jellied opening to the air filter.
Laying of a cover of a head of cylinders.
Laying of a head of cylinders.
Junction of a flange of the distributor of ignition.
Laying of the oil filter: The filter on a flange.
Stopper of a masloslivny opening (laying).
Laying of the pallet of a case.
Engine and transmission junction (laying on a flywheel or a transmission shaft).
As at a leakage oil spreads on the big area, a leak place at once to find quite difficult. By search arrive as follows:
To make a wash of the engine. To cover the engine with a cold cleaner and after a while to rinse with water. Previously to cover the distributor of ignition and the generator with plastic packages.
To powder junctions and consolidations on the engine outside with talc or lime.
To check oil level, if necessary to add.
To make a trial trip. As oil when heating is diluted and consequently appears in leak places quicker, the trial trip should be made on distance of 30 km on the high-speed road.
Then, shining the engine with a lamp, to define a place of leak and to eliminate malfunction.