Car coloring Leveling and painting works with a body demand existence of experience and knowledge of materials and processing methods. It is reached as a rule only during long-term practice. Therefore only elimination of minor defects of a body and its paint and varnish covering here is described. For подкраски it is required to have surely paint precisely the same color as distinctions in color upon termination of work are evident at once. Color of coloring of the car is noted by the manufacturer paint number on шильдике with the car code, being on inside of a cowl of a motor compartment in front. Number of paint is specified on шильдике, being on inside of a cowl of a motor compartment. If the difference in color between original and repair paint, the reason of it that the paint and varnish covering of the car changed eventually the color under the influence of ultra-violet sunshine, extreme temperature fluctuations, weather conditions and chemical aggression, for example industrial gases after all is shown. Besides, damage of surfaces and fading of paint can occur and at a sink or care of a paint and varnish covering improper means.
Coloring of Metallic consists of two layers, a layer of a first coat of Metallic and a colourless varnish covering. When coloring the colourless varnish is put on even damp soil. Danger of distinction in color when painting Metallic is especially great, as here already various viscosity of original and repair paint results in distinction in color.