Mazda 323
+ Introduction + Petrol engines + System of greasing of the engine + System of cooling of the engine + ignition System + Power supply system, carburetor, system of injection of fuel + Diesel engine + System of production of the fulfilled gases + Coupling + Manual transmission + Automatic transmission + Suspension bracket and steering system + Brake system + Wheels and tires, body, car coloring, care of the car - Electric equipment system Search of malfunctions of electric system Switch check on a current transmission Relay check Check of the motor of a screen wiper Verification of indexes of turn Check of stoplights Check of a heater of back glass Separation and connection of cable tips Arrangement of safety locks Replacement of safety locks Removal and battery installation Battery check The battery is discharged in itself Battery charging Battery storage Generator Security measures for the generator of an alternating current Check of tension of the generator Removal and generator installation Generator components Dismantling generator/replacement of coal brushes Removal and starter installation Check/replacement of the traction relay of a starter + Heater, lighting system, devices + Governing bodies and operation receptions + Electric circuits
Replacement of safety locks For prevention of short circuit and overloads of consumers of electric energy separate contours are protected by safety locks. There are 2 boxes of the safety locks, one in the left compartment for feet, another in an impellent compartment near the battery.
2 various types of safety locks are used. Standard safety locks are used for low capacity, the main safety locks for high capacity.
To uncover boxes of safety locks.
Before safety lock replacement always at first to disconnect the corresponding consumer.
The fused safety lock is distinguished on the melted metal strip
To take out a faulty safety lock. For a safety lock vynimaniye in a cover of a box of safety locks in salon there are polymeric tweezers.
To insert a new safety lock of the same current. The nominal current of a safety lock costs from a reverse side on the handle. Besides the handle has color designation by which it is also possible to determine a nominal current.
Nominal current And |
Color designation Standard safety lock |
10 |
the red |
15 |
the dark blue |
20 |
the yellow |
30 |
the light green |
To establish back a cover of a box of safety locks.
If again inserted safety lock fuses through short time, it is necessary to check the corresponding tokovy contour.
Not to replace at all a safety lock with a piece of a wire or something similar as because of it there can be serious damages of electric equipment.
It is recommended to have constantly in the car a set of spare safety locks. In a box of safety locks for them the empty seat is provided.
If headlights or other electrodevices do not work, though safety locks are serviceable, it is necessary to check the main safety locks in an impellent compartment, if necessary to replace.
To disconnect a weight cable from the battery.
To take out and replace a safety lock on 30 And.
For replacement of the main safety lock on 80 And to remove a box of safety locks.
To open a cover, to unscrew plugs and to take out a safety lock.
To insert a new safety lock, to screw plugs and to establish a box of safety locks.
To connect a weight cable to the battery.
If are available, to establish time on hours and to set a protective code of a radio receiver.