Mazda 323
+ Introduction + Petrol engines + System of greasing of the engine + System of cooling of the engine + ignition System + Power supply system, carburetor, system of injection of fuel + Diesel engine + System of production of the fulfilled gases + Coupling + Manual transmission + Automatic transmission - Suspension bracket and steering system Forward suspension bracket — the general information Removal and installation of an amortization rack Dismantling amortization rack/removal and shock-absorber installation / screw spring Shock-absorber check Removal and installation cross-section lever/replacement of a rubber support Check/replacement of a support of the cross-section lever / rotary fist Removal and installation of a power shaft Removal and installation of an intermediate shaft Check/dismantling driving shaft/replacement of cuffs Bearing of a forward nave Back suspension bracket Removal and installation of a back amortization rack Dismantling back amortization rack/removal and shock-absorber installation / screw spring Cross-section levers / longitudinal lever/stabilizer Check of the bearing of a nave Removal and installation of the bearing of a nave Adjustment люфта nave bearing Removal and nave installation Steering Removal and installation of a steering wheel Removal and installation of a tip of steering draft Removal and installation of a rubber cuff of a steering drive Servoupravleniye pump Corners of installation of wheels Values for MAZDA 323 check + Brake system + Wheels and tires, body, car coloring, care of the car + electric equipment System + Heater, lighting system, devices + Governing bodies and operation receptions + Electric circuits
Removal and nave installation Cars from 10/89 g вып. (not all-wheel drive), except the versatile person models
The nave bearing on cars from 10/89 g вып is in a nave on which the brake drum or a brake disk is fixed. The special stripper or a press therefore it is expedient to make nave removal with the bearing and installation new in a specialized workshop is necessary for installation of the bearing.
To remove a nave cap a screw-driver or nippers.
To weaken a nut of a nave of the car standing on the earth. | Big moment of an inhaling, danger of accident! |
To remove a brake drum or a disk, see. Head Brake system.
To remove a nave from a pin and to replace the bearing in a specialized workshop.
To put on a nave and to screw a new being self-stopped nut, without tightening it it is final.
To establish a brake drum or a brake disk with a support, see. Head Brake system.
To screw a wheel, considering thus a label on a nave. To lower the car and to tighten wheel nuts with effort of 100 Nanometers.
To tighten a nave nut with effort of 200 Nanometers.
To hammer a fillet of a nut of a nave into a pin groove not so sharp chisel. It serves for protection against weakening of a nut.
To hammer a new cap of a nave by means of a pipe. | It is obligatory to replace the deformed caps, as because of a leakage moisture can get to the bearing of a nave and destroy it for short term. |