Mazda 323
+ Introduction + Petrol engines + System of greasing of the engine + System of cooling of the engine + ignition System + Power supply system, carburetor, system of injection of fuel + Diesel engine + System of production of the fulfilled gases + Coupling + Manual transmission + Automatic transmission - Suspension bracket and steering system Forward suspension bracket — the general information Removal and installation of an amortization rack Dismantling amortization rack/removal and shock-absorber installation / screw spring Shock-absorber check Removal and installation cross-section lever/replacement of a rubber support Check/replacement of a support of the cross-section lever / rotary fist Removal and installation of a power shaft Removal and installation of an intermediate shaft Check/dismantling driving shaft/replacement of cuffs Bearing of a forward nave Back suspension bracket Removal and installation of a back amortization rack Dismantling back amortization rack/removal and shock-absorber installation / screw spring Cross-section levers / longitudinal lever/stabilizer Check of the bearing of a nave Removal and installation of the bearing of a nave Adjustment люфта nave bearing Removal and nave installation Steering Removal and installation of a steering wheel Removal and installation of a tip of steering draft Removal and installation of a rubber cuff of a steering drive Servoupravleniye pump Corners of installation of wheels Values for MAZDA 323 check + Brake system + Wheels and tires, body, car coloring, care of the car + electric equipment System + Heater, lighting system, devices + Governing bodies and operation receptions + Electric circuits
Check/replacement of a support of the cross-section lever / rotary fist
To remove the cross-section lever and to check both rubber support on existence of cracks, damages and deformation.
Replacement of a back rubber support: To unscrew a nut-7-, to remove a washer and the plug.
To insert the new plug and a washer, to level perpendicularly to the lever. To tighten a nut of a rubber support with effort of 110 Nanometers.
Replacement of a forward rubber support: To cut off a ledge of the rubber plug. Then to squeeze out the plug in a vice by means of a face head and a suitable pipe. In masterful MAZDAS instead of a tube the special adaptation is used.
If the plug not выпрессовывается, it is necessary to heat up it and to make an incision on an external contour for a voltage reduction. |
To moisten the new plug with a small amount of soap solution and to press from the forward party by means of the special adaptation.
To establish the cross-section lever, see. Head Suspension bracket and steering system.
Check/replacement of a spherical support
Spherical support (= between the cross-section lever and a rotary fist) it is necessary to replace the sharovy hinge, if is available notable люфт or if the cuff is damaged.
Check in an adjusting condition: To lift the car.
To move the bottom lever a hand up-down. The spherical support should not have notable люфт. Exact check is possible only in the removed condition.
To unscrew a bolt and a nut-6-.
To squeeze out a finger of a spherical support of a rotary fist by means of mount. To enclose a fabric, not to damage a cuff.
To turn out bolts of fastening of a rotary fist on the cross-section lever and to remove a sharovy finger.
To establish a dynamometer or a dinamometrichesky natural the corresponding fastening. To turn a sharovy finger. To take readings of effort of overcoming of force of a friction. Demanded value: from 1,8 to 3 1 Nanometers, otherwise to replace a spherical support.
Cuff replacement: To clamp a spherical support in a vice and to bring down a cuff a hammer and a chisel.
To watch, that the spherical support was not damaged. |
To grease cuff inside with a small amount of universal greasing and to press a suitable tube. In masterful MAZDAS the special adaptation is for this purpose used.
To screw a rotary fist on the cross-section lever 2 bolts with effort of 110 Nanometers.
To insert a sharovy finger into a rotary fist, to insert a bolt in front back and to tighten with effort of 60 Nanometers.
To measure and adjust corners of installation of wheels.